
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Ducks and Holden Caulfield

Holden first thinks about the ducks while talking to Mr. Spencer about flunking his class. Ignoring Spencer's advice and thoughts about the future, he wonders where the ducks by the lagoon go during the winter. Does someone come and take them away? Or maybe they fly off by themselves? Holden's ultimately unsure about what they do to accommodate for the harsh winter months. In the same way, Holden's uncertain about his own future prospects and how he will survive the transition to adulthood. This question of where the ducks go symbolizes Holden's own unwillingness to let go of his childhood. Whether he likes it or not, adulthood will come for him eventually, just as winter will arrive for the ducks. He can't sidestep it or avoid it forever, yet he still tries to hold onto his moments of purity and innocence. Constantly dwelling on these ducks and even asking cab drivers about it, Holden may actually believe that understanding where the ducks went will solve his own p